Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Confession Number One

It's been quite some time since my last post, and if you've read it before you will also notice the title has been changed.  I just wanted to take a brief second and tell everyone, I am STILL single for God's glory!  I have not broken that promise to Him, however, I have been learning a lot since my last post.  Most of which has little or even nothing to do with my relationship status.  So, I changed the title to fit what I wanted my next set of posts to be about.

I am a single 28 year old woman, I lost my Dad nearly 9 months ago, I have no children, I am a freshman in college, I no longer live in my hometown, Columbus Ohio, I am a former drug addict, a former liar and manipulator, for a long time I lived a life of absolute promiscuity, I was an abused child, physically, emotionally and sexually, I have a beautiful and godly Mother who I am completely intimidated by, my name is Sarah, and I am the prodigal daughter.  This is me, who I am, and my first confession is: I am scared.  

This may be a really strange post, you may not understand why I'm typing this out, but please read on.  My prayer is that someone else feeling the same things will see they are not strange, and for that matter, I would like to know that I am not strange either! 

My life as a child, teenager, and even young adult was completely consumed with trying to break free from the family I resented.  My Mother, though she loved me, was constantly working until I was about 15 years old.  My Dad on the other hand, barely worked until I was about 10.  My Dad was an alcoholic, and abusive, he was flat out mean most of the time.  I hated being home, I wanted desperately to leave, to die, to never be born.  I wanted anything but what was in front of me.  By the time my Mom stopped working, my heart was already so hard and so hurt, nothing she did, said, or tried mattered to me any more.  I had become everything I hated!  

I didn't realize just how hard writing this out would be.  I have told my testimony so many times, but I have never shared my heart with so much vulnerability and transparency.  That also means my mind is running!  So, if at any point while reading this post in particular, you don't understand something, please feel free to comment so that I can clarify.

At sixteen I began running away from home, doing drugs, and having sex.  I wound up in a house for runaways, juvenile hall, and eventually moved in with my biological dad Charles.  Still, nothing changed, at least not for the better.  My life spun completely out of control when I moved to Toledo, Ohio with my cousin.  Nothing in my life had gotten any better, I was still living the same way, but in a new city.  I was so depressed and angry.  I couldn't take it anymore, I attempted suicide, and ended up in the hospital.  Once I left the hospital I lived in a homeless shelter, and after two weeks there I moved to Texas.  

I made mistakes living in Texas that I am so ashamed of, but I know that God used them to transform the very core of who I am.  But, before I get to the awesomeness of what God did, I have to tell you about what God allowed me to go through.  Without the fires I endured in Texas, I would not have turned to Christ.  Within literally 3 weeks of living in Texas I began using Methamphetamine.  I would get so high that I would hallucinate, and multiply times became very violent.  I started stealing from my best friend, everything from money to her Father's guns.  I used so often I could no longer get high from smoking, so I began shooting.  During that time I put myself in so many scary situations, including meeting with someone I had never met because he promised me drugs.  That night I was beaten and raped.  Still, my life did not change. I ended up homeless again, but this time I called my family.  Only by the grace of God did they decide to let me come home.  It was that day, on the bus ride home that God was so obviously with me.  I was broken, and without drugs to help me escape.  The bus ride was nearly three days long and I had no money or food.  I began to cry and for the first time in years I prayed, asking God to please help me, to show me that I was finally doing the right thing, going in the right direction.  I looked out the window of the bus, and on the side of the road I saw a sign that said, "The right way".  I am so thankful for that moment in my life.  I knew, more than ever that I absolutely did not deserve God's love, but He still spoke to me!  What mercy!

Many things have happened in my life since that day, including being completely healed of my addiction to meth.  Unfortunately, though my circumstances changed dramatically, I didn't.  After a short time of "living" for God, I fell, and fell hard!  But God didn't let go, I did come back to Him, and I have been with Him ever since. 

You may be wondering why my confession is that I am scared.  I am so scared of messing up, of people not accepting me, of failing, of myself.  One of the things God has been teaching me over the past nine months is that I have never really given Him all of me, or even most of me for that matter.  I have only given Him the part of me that people see.  I don't drink, do drugs, lie, have sex, cuss, or "fill in the blank".  But, I was still very rebellious at heart, argumentative, lazy, a complainer, prideful, and addicted to pornography.  I was passionate for God, and I wanted everything in me to serve Him.  But, I couldn't.  It's because of all of the reasons listed above that I chose to leave home and move to Michigan.  Sometimes God calls us to leave everything and everyone we know so that He can get us alone, so that all of the other voices fade away.  I would love to say that since God called me away and I moved, that my life has been perfect.  But that would be a complete lie.  Their is a story in the Bible about Jesus talking to the pharisees.  He was explaining to them that they may have been clean on the outside, but on the inside they were still dirty.  He then went on to say they needed to be cleaned on the inside first, and then cleaned on the outside.  Being cleaned by God in the inside is a very painful experience.  When I changed the things people could see, everyone kept telling me how great I was doing, but when I started allowing God to work on the inside, no one said a word.  Inside changes aren't always noticeable.  But I can tell you that through this process, I have been completely released from the pornography addiction, my pride is being broken daily, and I am continually working on trusting Him to hold my heart.  So I confess that I am scared, but I am shouting from the rooftops today, through whatever pain or trial I must endure, I will seek Him for the strength to trust Him.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Salt and Light

Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the Earth, but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men."

Mark 9:50 "Salt is good, but if the salt becomes unsalty with what will you make it salty again?  Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another."

Colossians 4:6 "Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person."

Matthew 5:16 "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven."

Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all that are in the house."

Yesterday when I was at work, on my way to lunch, I ran in to one of the cashiers that works in the front of the store.  He asked me a question about the register lights, I answered, and then he made this profound statement, "The absence of the light is greater than the presence of light."  This young man wasn't talking about anything but cash register lights, but he got me thinking, where is the church today?  Where is the obvious presence of the light?  Why is the "earth" so flavorless right now?  Friends, where is our light that is supposed to so shine before men?  Why did we let the absence of light become stronger than our light?  Why are we hiding under a basket?  I don't mean to sound cynical, but these are valid questions.  In fact, let me ask you this.  How many people have you lead to Christ?  Please don't immediately say to yourself, or me, or the computer screen, that you aren't gifted that way, or God doesn't use everybody that way.  That's a lie of the enemy!  Yes, there are some that are meant to go into places specifically to share the gospel with people they don't know; but we are all called to share the gospel, and "be the light of the world".  None of us get to be free of that responsibility.

I challenge you today my brothers and sisters, take charge of your place of influence, give God glory through your obedience.  Remember, Jesus promises us that if we are willing to confess Him before men, He will confess us before His Father in Heaven, but if we deny Him before men, He will deny us before the Father.  Let us not risk that by saying nothing!  The Bible says to do all that you can to be at peace with all men, but how can you be at peace with them if you allow them to walk straight into the gates of Hell with no warning?  That is not peace, that is false peace, that is indifference, and that is us allowing the enemy to work through our fears.  Let us stand strong in the name of our God, hold out our swords as in the days of Gideon and say, "with the sword of my God Jesus I stand against the enemy, and I declare the truth of Jesus", and then tell our neighbors who He is, and what He's done for us.  Not only will you be bringing the good news, but God says, "blessed are the feet of those who bring good news", and, we will be bringing glory to the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

My Love,
I thank you for every person that reads this message today, and my Lord, I pray that you would bless each person with a divine appointment, and the boldness to share You with them.  Lord, I pray for discernment to know when to speak, the courage to speak when the time comes, and for the wisdom to know what to say.  Father, I thank You that You have it all figured out, and that You promise us in Your word that You will go before us and make our crooked paths straight.  Thank You Father that never will You send us into battle without You being present with us.  Lord, please give me the strength not to just speak this message to others, but to live it.  Lord, I pray for continued strength in my walk with You, that my life would be an example, not just my words.  Thank You Father!
In Jesus mighty and precious name I pray,

Friday, March 25, 2011

Refiners Fire

Matthew 19:11-12 "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given.  For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

Hosea 2:19 "I will betroth you to Me forever."

Isaiah 56:4-5  "Thus says the Lord, To the eunuchs who keep My sabbaths, who choose the things that please Me and hold fast My covenant, I will give in My house and within My walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off."

Read Isaiah 54

Song:  Refiners Fire
Lyrics:  Purify my heart, let me be as gold, and precious silver.  Purify my heart, let me be as gold, pure gold.  Refiner's fire, my heart's one desire is to be, holy.  Set apart for You, Lord.  I choose to be, holy.  Set apart for You, my Master, ready to do Your will.  

I have been asked several times over the past couple of weeks about my decision to remain single and more specifically, my decision to "marry" Jesus.  The question is always the same, "Do you realize this means you can never marry a man?"  I will be honest, this irritated me first.  Though now, as I have prayed and thought about it, I realize, most people will never understand this desire; nor can I expect them to.  Matthew 19:11, quoted above, is Jesus talking about eunuchs, (people who can't have sex, don't have sex, or don't get married) that not everyone can accept that there are some who aren't called to be married.  In fact, He says the only people who will accept or understand the word, are those to whom it has been given, or those who it is written about.  There are those who believe it to be true, and there are those who understand it.  That doesn't make single people any better or worse than married people, it's simply different.  

Being single is a huge responsibility, not to be taken lightly.  But, the position of single should also be given the respect that God Himself has given it.  Regardless of what our society and culture has taught us, being single when done to the glory of God is a great thing, and God has used those in the position mightily for thousands of years.  I encourage you today, if you are single only for a time, or if you have chosen to remain as such, God has great plans for you!  The place you are in right now is vital to the kingdom of God.  Please, do not look at this time of opportunity and responsibility as a punishment, or even a time to play.  God has something in mind for this time of your life!  The Bible says, "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you".  He is refining you, changing you into the very image of Jesus Christ!  And remember, Jesus was single too!  

Now, to answer the question that has been asked, "Do you realize this means you can never marry a man?"  I do.  But, that's okay.  The Apostle Paul tells us in 1st Corinthians 7 that he wants us to be free from the anxieties of marriage; so, if you're able to withstand the temptation to have sex, then stay single.  Note, the Bible says, if you can withstand the temptations, not, if you are never tempted.  As Christians we have one unified ultimate goal, regardless of our calling.  That is, bring glory to God in all that we do.  Obviously, if you are married, you have to think practically about taking care of your family.  However, as a single person, there is no one needed to put before yourself daily but God alone.  You are free to do whatever God has laid on your heart to do, with no one else to be concerned for.  In fact, God's glory becomes the only concern.  

My Love,
I lift before you all of my single brothers and sisters.  I praise You Lord that You have created each of them for such a time as this.  Lord I ask that You would reveal to each of them Your desire for their particular season of singleness.  Lord, please show them a vision of what You want to do in their lives, and Lord I pray that You would grant them a clear understanding of who they are in You as a single person.  Lord please wrap Your arms around each of them and bless them in over abundance with the feeling of Love.  Help them to see Lord that You are the greatest Love, because You loved us first.  Thank You Lord that You have loved me despite my many flaws.  Help me to utilize every second for Your glory.  Let me not grow weary in the refining process Lord.  I love You!!!
In Jesus mighty and precious name I pray.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Do you smell the rain?

Matthew 16: 2 - 3 “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ 3and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.

In light of the recent tragedies in Japan (which also affected many other places) I felt the need to take a minute and talk about the reality of the times that we are living in.  Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, God has promised to "tell [us] the future before it happens" (Isaiah 42:9), let us not miss the "signs of the times" (Matt. 16:3). There were 68 earthquakes in 2010, 49 of which were greater than 6.0.  There have been 18 this year so far, 13 of which have been greater than a 6.3.  Not to mention all of the tsunamis in the past few years along with the wars and protests (causing civil wars) all over the entire world!  Our world seems to be in utter chaos!  

I am of course not sharing this to frighten anyone.  Rather, to remind all of us, including myself that God has not fallen off of His throne.  He is still in control!  Not only is He aware of what's going on, but He has allowed it for a reason.  My personal opinion is two fold.  I believe this is yet another wake up call to believers all over the world to wake up from our slumber and get back to work!  I also believe these things are part of the end time prophecies talked about all through scripture.  Brothers and sisters, we need to utilize this short time we have left!  The fields are white with harvest, let us not waste our time, let us move!  

My Love and my God!
I lift you up tonight.  Thank You for Your hand of mercy, that it has been outstretched this entire time, and even now when everything "looks" bad to our mortal eyes, your hand is still outstretched.  We thank You for this!  Lord, please walk with the people of Japan, show Yourself strong on their behalf.  I pray Lord that these events will bring many people to You.  Lord I know that even through this,  Your glory will be made known!  Lord, please give us the ability to act as You have called us.  My Love, please show us when we are to step and when we are to stay still.  Lord I pray that You will protect those believers specifically in Japan right now, that they would have the ability to freely get from place to place and person to person to share Your good news.  Lord, I thank You for Your amazing plan in all of this.  Oh Lord, please bless the people of Japan with ears to hear and eyes to see!  Thank You Father!!!
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the name that is above ALL other names I pray!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The real question is: Are you ready to be a helpmate?

1 Corinthians 13:4-8a "Love is long-suffering, it is kind, love doth not envy, love doth not vaunt itself, is not puffed up, doth not act unseemly, doth not seek its own things, is not provoked, doth not impute evil,  rejoiceth not over the unrighteousness, and rejoiceth with the truth; all things it beareth, all it believeth, all it hopeth, all it endureth. Love doth never fail".

This post is written to my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ who want so desperately to get married! All I have to say is, I hear your desire loud and clear!!!  BUT....are you ready?  Have you thought about what marriage really is?  Is marriage what you want, or is it a romantic wedding you truly desire?  

These aren't questions asked to deter anyone from wanting to get married.  On the contrary!  I think marriage is wonderful, and I would wish anyone desiring marriage the best of blessings in finding the spouse God has hand crafted just for you.  However, I do realize that there are many in our society that have no idea what real love is.  Love is living the life of a servant, joyfully!  

I know when looking at my own life, anytime I have ever fallen into a pit of I-wish-I-was-married-already-syndrome, I was always looking at marriage and love from a selfish perspective.  "My future husband will always be thinking of me.  He will always want to tell other people how much he loves me.  When my back hurts he will want to massage my back.  He will care when I'm sick".  You name it, I thought it.  Did you notice none of those things consisted of me wanting to serve him???  They were all about him serving me!  I can look back at those times of ignorant bliss and laugh, because I'm not married feeling let down because those things didn't pan out.  But the fact is, there are millions of people getting married for these same and similar reasons.  Somehow, a spouse will improve their life.  

But, I realized something tonight.  The desire to be married isn't about meeting someone who fits your checklist.  The desire to be married is about finding someone you want to serve, someone you want to help in their serving God.  Finding that "one" is about finding the person you want to be a helpmate to.  There is a scripture in the Song of Solomon that says, "do not awaken love until it is time".  I think that can be applied here.  Love is so much more than a feeling or attraction to another.  

My Love,
I lift up my brothers and sisters to You.  Lord, please remove any and all desires that are not of You.  Father, please reveal to them the absolute truth about their own heart and desires.  Father God, I pray that when love is awaken in their hearts, it will be to the one they have been called to help.  I pray blessings on the relationships that are already formed, and I ask Lord that You would be the number one topic on each persons lips.  I pray Lord that You would be the lover of their hearts, the one that provides them with their security and comfort.  Lord, I also lift up to You those who are completely single.  Lord, please bless them to overflow with Your presence.  Father, please guide their hearts into absolute submission to You, and Lord, I pray that their hearts would stay focused on You.  Remembering that if they seek You first, You will give them their hearts desires!  
Thank You my Love!  In Jesus mighty name I pray,

Friday, March 4, 2011

Love encounter with Jesus

Song of Solomon 8:6 "Set me as a seal on thy heart, as a seal on thine arm, for strong as death is love, sharp as sheol is jealousy, its burnings are burnings of fire, a flame of jah" - youngs literal translation

Song of Solomon 8:7a "Many waters are not able to quench the love, and floods do not wash it away."

Song of Solomon 1:2-4 "Kiss me and kiss me again, for Your love is sweeter than wine.  How fragrant Your cologne; Your name is like it's spreading fragrance; no wonder all the young women love You!  Take me with You; come lets run!  The King has brought me into His bedroom".  -NLT

Two songs I suggest.  These songs really speak to the heart.  They aren't convicting, they are absolute love songs from God to us.  Completely heart wrenching!  Listen, you will love them!!!

I feel very blessed today.  The past couple of days have been really difficult for me, but I have felt the presence of my Love the entire time!  It is an unbelievable feeling to know that our God and maker is also the one who calls Himself our husband.  I have no great lesson I have learned.  I am just in awe at who He is, and I wanted to tell someone.  So here I am, telling you, hoping that God will speak to you through my daily music regimen!  

Sisters and Brothers, Jesus loves you so much.  Man, if we could all just gain the slightest understanding of how much He really does love us, I don't know that we could take it!  His love is so perfect and immeasurable.  Oh He is so amazing!!!  

My Love!
I lift up all of my friends reading this.  Please bless them with an increased knowledge of You and Your love for us.  I thank You for that my Lord.  
In Jesus precious name!  Amen!
Love Sarah

"The Love of God changes us, we are never the same after the Love of God"- Kim Walker

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Established by the Lord?

Psalm 37:23  "A man's goings are established of Jehovah; and He delighteth in his way."
Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in Jehovah with all thy heart and lean not upon thine own understanding: in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy paths."
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope in your latter end."

Today was just one of those days!  I could not have been more frustrated, or more annoyed.  It was a difficult day.  I worked a very short shift, only 4 hours, but in that short 4 hours my spirit was attacked over and over and over again.  They started out as small things, getting stopped by a train causing me to be late for work.  But they got worse, quickly.  I received a phone call giving me some difficult news about a past financial decision I had made, (and forgot about) pay or get sued was the bottom line, my fault, I should have kept better track.  But, the list continues!  I was yelled at by a co-worker for the schedule I made, she simply didn't like it.  Well, upon further investigation, after she yelled at me, she was mistaken!  She was never scheduled on the day she thought she was.  By this point, I was completely shaken up!  But it was at least time to go home, but first I needed gas.  I went into the station to pay and I realized, I locked my keys in the car!!!!!  Seriously!  Once my door was finally opened (an hour later) I was on my way home, and I decided I wasn't stopping anywhere, I didn't want to take any more chances on anything else going wrong!  I was stopped by another train!

By the end of my day when I finally made it home I felt so discouraged.  It was such a bad day.  To make matters even worse, during the more difficult parts of today (like the financial phone call and the locked door)I couldn't help but think, "If I were married I wouldn't be going trough this.  I would have more money in my account and my husband would certainly know how to open my door!"  Grrrrrr....the enemy thinks he's so smart!  But our God is so much smarter!  I was quickly reminded of the scripture that says, "the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord".  It was easy to think things would be better if only...  But the truth is, they would have been hard no matter what, and if I were married, I may have come home after all of that to crying children!!!  I have to be honest, I am glad that didn't happen!  

Here's what I learned from this emotional roller coaster.  One, today was a huge eye opener as to whether or not my decision to remain single was real.  It is!  Two, trusting God isn't something we do with our lips.  We can't just say that we trust Him.  We must prove it!  Not to God, He already knows.  We must prove it to ourselves.  Three, trusting God will never feel good!  At least, not while we are exercising the trust.  But it will most certainly feel good when it's over!

Is there anything that has happened either recently or far in the past that when looked at, you think to yourself, "I know God wasn't responsible for that"?  Truth be told, God is always in control, even when what has happened hurts.  He may not have been the one who inflicted 'it', but He most certainly allowed it.  I challenge you to look at the bad things in your life, and see the events that have come from that point.  What has God done through that event in your life?  Is there a purpose or someone or something good that has come from it?  Maybe even a lesson learned?

My Love,
I lift Your name up tonight!  Thank You for Your unending faithfulness in my life.  Thank You for days full of learning, days like today.  Lord, it was not fun to walk through, in fact, it hurt and it was hard.  However, I know that each tear that was shed you have captured and placed in a bottle, they were not tears shed in vein. You have good plans for me, You desire hope and a future for me.  Thank You!  Father I lift up those reading this and I ask You my Love, reveal to them an understanding of past events in their lives.  Show them Your purpose, show them the amount of thought and work You put into their everyday Lord.  Please grace their hearts with Your everlasting love!  Thank You Father!!!  In the name of Jesus Christ, the name that is above all other names I pray!  Amen!

"I have learned to trust God through it, and not for it" - Rebecca Lusignolo

Monday, February 28, 2011

Created for a time such as this

Esther 4:14  "who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this"
Esther 4:16 "I will go to the king, which is against the law, and if I perish, I perish"

When I was a little girl, my Mother used to read to my siblings and me stories from the bible using these little story books.  There was one of David and Goliath, Joseph, Queen Esther, and many more.  But, the story of Esther was always my favorite one.  I can remember the title, "Queen Esther saves her people".  I even remember sitting on the floor asking my Mom who her people were and why she had to save them.  Those were good times.  Little did I know that God was working something within me even then.  In fact, a love for the story of Esther never left me.  When I was in High school we had to choose names for the spanish class we were in, Esther was one of the names on the list.  I immedately chose the name as if it were meant to be.  As an adult, just over the past couple of years, the name Esther would pop into my head out of nowhere.  I would be watching TV, at work, cleaning, you name it....Esther would pop into my head.

As I was working today, like so many other times before, Esther popped into my head, only this time, I could see at least one reason why.  Esther, born to a jewish family was chosen by the king of a nation that did not belong to her people to become his wife.  She was given a unique opportunity to live an extraordinary life.  Not without it's challenges though.  Esther literally risked her life for her people.  She went before the king uncalled to plead on behalf of her people, when her husband the king, didn't even know she was Jewish.  That's intense!  But, she did it.  And as always, God was faithful.  She and her people were saved, and their adversary was put to death.

Like Esther, I have been given a unique opportunity to be wed to the King.  I have also been given an extraordinary calling in my life to work with the Jewish people and to remain a physically single woman.  But I believe I was called for such a time as this.  And I have come to the conclusion that I will go wherever the King will have me go, and if I perish, I perish.

Is there anything in your life that you can see as a great opportunity to serve our King?

My Love,
I come before your throne today in absolute adoration of Your name.  You are our life and our breath, we are nothing apart from You.  Oh Lord, please give us the courage to trust that we were created for such a time as this.  Help us to see that You are in complete control, and whatever happens, Your hand will never leave us.  Thank You Father!
In the name of the all mighty, Jesus Christ I pray!

"The safest place to be is in the center of His will" ~ Rebecca Lusignolo-McGlone

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Single for His Glory

Hello everyone!

For 7 years now, I have been contemplating the idea of being single to the glory of God.  And for reasons of insecurity and feeling unsupported I pushed the desire deep down, trying to force myself to want a life of marriage.  I began my journey at 20 years of age, searching for the right man, only to find all of the wrong ones!  In fact, I went from thinking I wanted to live to serve the Lord through singleness, to being extremely depressed because I was single.  Let me explain.  You see, I wasn't depressed for lack of a husband, I was depressed because somehow, I had allowed the enemy to make me think there was something wrong with me.  I began to think I couldn't accomplish my goals or my calling without a husband, that somehow, I wasn't good enough all by myself for God to love, someone out there still needed to complete me.  Boy was I wrong!!!!  I will spare you all of the messy details of my life, and say only what an old friend said to me just a few short years ago.  God doesn't create half whole people!

Here's where the good part comes in.  I have now made a strategic, conscience, and prayerful decision to remain single.  In fact, I have decided to marry Jesus!  I mean, who better of a husband to have?  And, He's already proposed!!!  So, here I am now, telling the world, I love my Jesus, and I want no other!!!  I'm going to use this blog to chronicle my relationship with Him from the start of the decision to have eyes only for Him.

My hope in this blog is to encourage both those who are single, and those who are married.  God loves you, right where you are!  When He gives you a dream, vision, calling, or desire, run with Him to it.  Don't let anything stand in your way.  In saying that, obviously this blog is being written about my life as a single woman, so I pray especially for the single women who read this.  I pray that you will see your life the way God sees it.  You can achieve all that He has given you to do, you are able in Him.  I pray you never put your life on hold in hopes for what could be.  Remember this, if You live with your eyes set solely on Jesus, all that you desire will come to pass.  You never need to make decisions based on the thought of "what if".  So, again, I pray that if you have made the decision to stay single, or if you are waiting for God to bring the right one along, that you will have eyes only for the Lord.  He will do the rest!