Monday, February 28, 2011

Created for a time such as this

Esther 4:14  "who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this"
Esther 4:16 "I will go to the king, which is against the law, and if I perish, I perish"

When I was a little girl, my Mother used to read to my siblings and me stories from the bible using these little story books.  There was one of David and Goliath, Joseph, Queen Esther, and many more.  But, the story of Esther was always my favorite one.  I can remember the title, "Queen Esther saves her people".  I even remember sitting on the floor asking my Mom who her people were and why she had to save them.  Those were good times.  Little did I know that God was working something within me even then.  In fact, a love for the story of Esther never left me.  When I was in High school we had to choose names for the spanish class we were in, Esther was one of the names on the list.  I immedately chose the name as if it were meant to be.  As an adult, just over the past couple of years, the name Esther would pop into my head out of nowhere.  I would be watching TV, at work, cleaning, you name it....Esther would pop into my head.

As I was working today, like so many other times before, Esther popped into my head, only this time, I could see at least one reason why.  Esther, born to a jewish family was chosen by the king of a nation that did not belong to her people to become his wife.  She was given a unique opportunity to live an extraordinary life.  Not without it's challenges though.  Esther literally risked her life for her people.  She went before the king uncalled to plead on behalf of her people, when her husband the king, didn't even know she was Jewish.  That's intense!  But, she did it.  And as always, God was faithful.  She and her people were saved, and their adversary was put to death.

Like Esther, I have been given a unique opportunity to be wed to the King.  I have also been given an extraordinary calling in my life to work with the Jewish people and to remain a physically single woman.  But I believe I was called for such a time as this.  And I have come to the conclusion that I will go wherever the King will have me go, and if I perish, I perish.

Is there anything in your life that you can see as a great opportunity to serve our King?

My Love,
I come before your throne today in absolute adoration of Your name.  You are our life and our breath, we are nothing apart from You.  Oh Lord, please give us the courage to trust that we were created for such a time as this.  Help us to see that You are in complete control, and whatever happens, Your hand will never leave us.  Thank You Father!
In the name of the all mighty, Jesus Christ I pray!

"The safest place to be is in the center of His will" ~ Rebecca Lusignolo-McGlone

1 comment:

  1. I see opportunities all the time. Including when working the check out counter where I work. I have become known to fellow associates for my positive attitude and thinking the best of every person. Sometimes we don't have to do something "extremely great" to bring glory to God! Even things that go unnoticed can have an effect on others! If you follow God's plan for you, you can't go wrong!
