Friday, March 4, 2011

Love encounter with Jesus

Song of Solomon 8:6 "Set me as a seal on thy heart, as a seal on thine arm, for strong as death is love, sharp as sheol is jealousy, its burnings are burnings of fire, a flame of jah" - youngs literal translation

Song of Solomon 8:7a "Many waters are not able to quench the love, and floods do not wash it away."

Song of Solomon 1:2-4 "Kiss me and kiss me again, for Your love is sweeter than wine.  How fragrant Your cologne; Your name is like it's spreading fragrance; no wonder all the young women love You!  Take me with You; come lets run!  The King has brought me into His bedroom".  -NLT

Two songs I suggest.  These songs really speak to the heart.  They aren't convicting, they are absolute love songs from God to us.  Completely heart wrenching!  Listen, you will love them!!!

I feel very blessed today.  The past couple of days have been really difficult for me, but I have felt the presence of my Love the entire time!  It is an unbelievable feeling to know that our God and maker is also the one who calls Himself our husband.  I have no great lesson I have learned.  I am just in awe at who He is, and I wanted to tell someone.  So here I am, telling you, hoping that God will speak to you through my daily music regimen!  

Sisters and Brothers, Jesus loves you so much.  Man, if we could all just gain the slightest understanding of how much He really does love us, I don't know that we could take it!  His love is so perfect and immeasurable.  Oh He is so amazing!!!  

My Love!
I lift up all of my friends reading this.  Please bless them with an increased knowledge of You and Your love for us.  I thank You for that my Lord.  
In Jesus precious name!  Amen!
Love Sarah

"The Love of God changes us, we are never the same after the Love of God"- Kim Walker

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