Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Established by the Lord?

Psalm 37:23  "A man's goings are established of Jehovah; and He delighteth in his way."
Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in Jehovah with all thy heart and lean not upon thine own understanding: in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy paths."
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope in your latter end."

Today was just one of those days!  I could not have been more frustrated, or more annoyed.  It was a difficult day.  I worked a very short shift, only 4 hours, but in that short 4 hours my spirit was attacked over and over and over again.  They started out as small things, getting stopped by a train causing me to be late for work.  But they got worse, quickly.  I received a phone call giving me some difficult news about a past financial decision I had made, (and forgot about) pay or get sued was the bottom line, my fault, I should have kept better track.  But, the list continues!  I was yelled at by a co-worker for the schedule I made, she simply didn't like it.  Well, upon further investigation, after she yelled at me, she was mistaken!  She was never scheduled on the day she thought she was.  By this point, I was completely shaken up!  But it was at least time to go home, but first I needed gas.  I went into the station to pay and I realized, I locked my keys in the car!!!!!  Seriously!  Once my door was finally opened (an hour later) I was on my way home, and I decided I wasn't stopping anywhere, I didn't want to take any more chances on anything else going wrong!  I was stopped by another train!

By the end of my day when I finally made it home I felt so discouraged.  It was such a bad day.  To make matters even worse, during the more difficult parts of today (like the financial phone call and the locked door)I couldn't help but think, "If I were married I wouldn't be going trough this.  I would have more money in my account and my husband would certainly know how to open my door!"  Grrrrrr....the enemy thinks he's so smart!  But our God is so much smarter!  I was quickly reminded of the scripture that says, "the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord".  It was easy to think things would be better if only...  But the truth is, they would have been hard no matter what, and if I were married, I may have come home after all of that to crying children!!!  I have to be honest, I am glad that didn't happen!  

Here's what I learned from this emotional roller coaster.  One, today was a huge eye opener as to whether or not my decision to remain single was real.  It is!  Two, trusting God isn't something we do with our lips.  We can't just say that we trust Him.  We must prove it!  Not to God, He already knows.  We must prove it to ourselves.  Three, trusting God will never feel good!  At least, not while we are exercising the trust.  But it will most certainly feel good when it's over!

Is there anything that has happened either recently or far in the past that when looked at, you think to yourself, "I know God wasn't responsible for that"?  Truth be told, God is always in control, even when what has happened hurts.  He may not have been the one who inflicted 'it', but He most certainly allowed it.  I challenge you to look at the bad things in your life, and see the events that have come from that point.  What has God done through that event in your life?  Is there a purpose or someone or something good that has come from it?  Maybe even a lesson learned?

My Love,
I lift Your name up tonight!  Thank You for Your unending faithfulness in my life.  Thank You for days full of learning, days like today.  Lord, it was not fun to walk through, in fact, it hurt and it was hard.  However, I know that each tear that was shed you have captured and placed in a bottle, they were not tears shed in vein. You have good plans for me, You desire hope and a future for me.  Thank You!  Father I lift up those reading this and I ask You my Love, reveal to them an understanding of past events in their lives.  Show them Your purpose, show them the amount of thought and work You put into their everyday Lord.  Please grace their hearts with Your everlasting love!  Thank You Father!!!  In the name of Jesus Christ, the name that is above all other names I pray!  Amen!

"I have learned to trust God through it, and not for it" - Rebecca Lusignolo


  1. God has definitely taught me patience through tough customers/days. Whenever I get frustrated or mad at someone, I try to turn that anger and annoyance into a blessing and prayer for that person. It is amazing how this attitude can turn your own day around!
