Monday, March 14, 2011

Do you smell the rain?

Matthew 16: 2 - 3 “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ 3and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.

In light of the recent tragedies in Japan (which also affected many other places) I felt the need to take a minute and talk about the reality of the times that we are living in.  Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, God has promised to "tell [us] the future before it happens" (Isaiah 42:9), let us not miss the "signs of the times" (Matt. 16:3). There were 68 earthquakes in 2010, 49 of which were greater than 6.0.  There have been 18 this year so far, 13 of which have been greater than a 6.3.  Not to mention all of the tsunamis in the past few years along with the wars and protests (causing civil wars) all over the entire world!  Our world seems to be in utter chaos!  

I am of course not sharing this to frighten anyone.  Rather, to remind all of us, including myself that God has not fallen off of His throne.  He is still in control!  Not only is He aware of what's going on, but He has allowed it for a reason.  My personal opinion is two fold.  I believe this is yet another wake up call to believers all over the world to wake up from our slumber and get back to work!  I also believe these things are part of the end time prophecies talked about all through scripture.  Brothers and sisters, we need to utilize this short time we have left!  The fields are white with harvest, let us not waste our time, let us move!  

My Love and my God!
I lift you up tonight.  Thank You for Your hand of mercy, that it has been outstretched this entire time, and even now when everything "looks" bad to our mortal eyes, your hand is still outstretched.  We thank You for this!  Lord, please walk with the people of Japan, show Yourself strong on their behalf.  I pray Lord that these events will bring many people to You.  Lord I know that even through this,  Your glory will be made known!  Lord, please give us the ability to act as You have called us.  My Love, please show us when we are to step and when we are to stay still.  Lord I pray that You will protect those believers specifically in Japan right now, that they would have the ability to freely get from place to place and person to person to share Your good news.  Lord, I thank You for Your amazing plan in all of this.  Oh Lord, please bless the people of Japan with ears to hear and eyes to see!  Thank You Father!!!
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the name that is above ALL other names I pray!

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