Friday, April 1, 2011

Salt and Light

Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the Earth, but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men."

Mark 9:50 "Salt is good, but if the salt becomes unsalty with what will you make it salty again?  Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another."

Colossians 4:6 "Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person."

Matthew 5:16 "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven."

Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all that are in the house."

Yesterday when I was at work, on my way to lunch, I ran in to one of the cashiers that works in the front of the store.  He asked me a question about the register lights, I answered, and then he made this profound statement, "The absence of the light is greater than the presence of light."  This young man wasn't talking about anything but cash register lights, but he got me thinking, where is the church today?  Where is the obvious presence of the light?  Why is the "earth" so flavorless right now?  Friends, where is our light that is supposed to so shine before men?  Why did we let the absence of light become stronger than our light?  Why are we hiding under a basket?  I don't mean to sound cynical, but these are valid questions.  In fact, let me ask you this.  How many people have you lead to Christ?  Please don't immediately say to yourself, or me, or the computer screen, that you aren't gifted that way, or God doesn't use everybody that way.  That's a lie of the enemy!  Yes, there are some that are meant to go into places specifically to share the gospel with people they don't know; but we are all called to share the gospel, and "be the light of the world".  None of us get to be free of that responsibility.

I challenge you today my brothers and sisters, take charge of your place of influence, give God glory through your obedience.  Remember, Jesus promises us that if we are willing to confess Him before men, He will confess us before His Father in Heaven, but if we deny Him before men, He will deny us before the Father.  Let us not risk that by saying nothing!  The Bible says to do all that you can to be at peace with all men, but how can you be at peace with them if you allow them to walk straight into the gates of Hell with no warning?  That is not peace, that is false peace, that is indifference, and that is us allowing the enemy to work through our fears.  Let us stand strong in the name of our God, hold out our swords as in the days of Gideon and say, "with the sword of my God Jesus I stand against the enemy, and I declare the truth of Jesus", and then tell our neighbors who He is, and what He's done for us.  Not only will you be bringing the good news, but God says, "blessed are the feet of those who bring good news", and, we will be bringing glory to the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

My Love,
I thank you for every person that reads this message today, and my Lord, I pray that you would bless each person with a divine appointment, and the boldness to share You with them.  Lord, I pray for discernment to know when to speak, the courage to speak when the time comes, and for the wisdom to know what to say.  Father, I thank You that You have it all figured out, and that You promise us in Your word that You will go before us and make our crooked paths straight.  Thank You Father that never will You send us into battle without You being present with us.  Lord, please give me the strength not to just speak this message to others, but to live it.  Lord, I pray for continued strength in my walk with You, that my life would be an example, not just my words.  Thank You Father!
In Jesus mighty and precious name I pray,